Skindex-16 Calculator
Skindex-16 Calculator
Instructions: Enter each score (from 0 to 6) for all 16 questions on the left
Domain Scores: (Symptoms, Emotional, Functional) on the right are on a 0-100 scale, 0 means no impact on quality of life (QOL), 100 means maximal impact on QOL.
Symptoms Domain
1. Itching:
2. Stinging/Burning: Score
3. Hurting:
4. Irritated:
Emotional Domain
5. Persistence/Reocurrance:
6. Worry:
7. Appearance: Score
8. Frustration:
9. Embarassment:
10. Being annoyed:
11. Feeling depressed:
Functional Domain
12. Interactions with others:
13. Desire to be with people: Score
14. Show affection:
15. Daily activities:
16. Work/do what you enjoy:
Calculator created by: Guilherme Kuceki, BS; Todd Brown, MSc; Nicholas Flint, MD; Zachary Hopkins, MD; Aaron Secrest, MD PhD
Reference: Chren MM, Lasek RJ, Sahay AP, Sands LP. Measurement properties of Skindex-16: a brief quality-of-life measure for patients with skin diseases. J Cutan Med Surg. 2001 Mar-Apr; 5(2):105-10. doi: 10.1007/BF02737863. Epub 2001 Mar 21. PMID: 11443481
The administration of Skindex is handled by the non-profit MAPI Research Trust; you should be able to view the instruments easily on their website. Permission to use the instruments and information about translations should be obtained from MAPI (ePROVIDE):
There should not be a charge for academic research.